Part 43: New Parm NPC Chatter 7
Welcome back! Wrapping up the interiors of New Parm during the wedding. And then we can get to the port again. And then we can do it all over again for the post-wedding dialog.
At least it's smaller than Old Parm.

: It'd sure be better if she were President of the Adventurers Society instead of Pakon. I can't sit around drinking. It's been a long time since I felt the spirit of adventure in me. If it were Feena, the spirit of adventure would live on. Cheers! To President Feena! Then I could enjoy a real adventure and not get bored. Sounds great to me!

: I agree. I think Feena should be President, but....

: How can we allow that wedding to happen!
And thus the first New Parm message board was born.

: Sorry, pal. I'm too busy right now for that sort of thing.

: We'll come back some other time.

: Don't be so shy! Don't you want to be good friends with the other Miss Milk fans?

: Hmm... you haven't lost your touch, have you?

: I'd like to know more about this "End of the World" place.
Shit. This would've been awesome to put in my big "End of the World hype" update.

: Ha ha. There's an easy order! When adventurers traveling far to the east discovered the End of the World, the age of adventure ended and an age of trade and commerce began. Many lost interest in adventures then. Now they just live it up in town.

: But what is this End of the World thing?

: Me, I've never actually seen it. Maybe you should go see for yourself. Never laid eyes on it, myself. I'm not sure where it is, really.

: It's so stupid for the Adventurers Society to bring a drama troupe here. What a sham! A real sham!
Have I mentioned that the two maid sprites aren't just palette-swaps of each other?
... Come to think of it, have there been any actual palette-swaps? It's either multiple uses of the same sprite, or different sprites altogether.

: You know, you can't see very well from here. Why don't you get closer to the stage?

: Sorry! Listen, I really don't have time right now for that sort of stuff. Maybe next time!
Yep! We've got something very important to attend to!

: Huh? Which one is that? Hey, the eyes on this fish are all cloudy. This fish is not fresh.

: What are you talking about? That fish was just delivered a short while ago. Of course it's fresh.

: Well, this one's been dead too long. Who delivers your fish, anyway?
Three guesses who delivers the product to the Sure Success Law guy.

: Heh, heh, heh. That's a trade secret, sonny. I deliver all of the fish. But I ain't no fisherman.

: I don't understand. What's all this about?

: Look, here's how I do business. First, I deliver the goods. Then I sell them. Whatever I can't sell, I buy. Then I redeliver what I've bought. That way, I get to handle everything!

: Hmm. You must be a hard worker, I guess.

: Huh? You even do the buying as a customer?

: Hee hee. You know, it's a real trouble-free system I have. In fact, it's a perfect system.

: It's a perfectly impossible system if you ask me.

: it's time for me to go, too. If I'm too slow getting over there, I'll miss the "kiss the bride" part.

: Th-this is no joke! Listen, we've got to go help Feena!

: Oh my god! Look, it shows Feena and Pakon kissing! I can't believe it!

: Don't worry, Justin. It's just a drawing, not a photo.

: These are limited-edition souvenirs. Better get your Pakon-Feena postcards today. They'll be sold out soon.

: Just make it short, OK?
Whew, that wasn't so bad.
Onward, to after we've rescued Feena!

: Naw, mister. You didn't do anything, really.

: What do you mean!? I did a lot! Trying to persuade everyone, and so on....
Sue don't take no shit.

: Wha...? How rude! Besides, I'm only 30 years old! I'm not some old "mister"! Can't believe how rude youngsters are. I just can't believe it. (grumble)

: Someone had to tell him. Someone had to set Pakon straight. Anyone who can get Pakon to become the grown-up he should be is sure to receive Gauss' thanks from the world beyond.

: I don't see anything wrong with the way Pakon has handled things. New Parm would hardly exist if he had not established the adventure business. Despite the discovery of the End of the World, his adventure tours have kept a flow of tourists coming.

: Hmm... well, I suppose you could think of it that way, but...

: A mo... monster ranch?

: Sounds exciting, but what kind of place would it be?

: It'll be a ranch-like place where people can come see real monsters! Right now the sheep at the ranch are being eaten my monsters. Soon there won't be any sheep left. So I'm thinking of making a monster ranch! I even thought of how to advertise it: "Come meet the monsters in a natural setting". What do you think? I think the problem is that people would be too afraid to visit it.
Apparently this guy didn't get the "Oops, wrong groom" notice.

: Hey, what did I do?

: Huh? Yikes! This is weird. Looks kinda like a vision of Feena. Eh? Fee... Feena? I'm a fan of yours, Feena. I heard you married Pakon, and I've just been so depressed.... I can't s-stand that, that Pa... Pakon guy.... Ah, my tongue's not workin' right....

: Hey, don't worry! I'd never marry that Pakon.

: You... you wouldn't?! All right! So now I can celebrate!

: Turticamels are so dramatic... so fantastic and thrilling... What a race it would be! Everyone would be fascinated with their racing tactics, their offense and defense. If the Turticamel Races get famous, then people won't ever mistake them for turtles again, that's for sure!
Chocobo Racing came out exactly 51 days before Grandia in North America. Coincidence?

: I thought, the best way to get to know New Parm is to try eating the oh-so-spicy Adventurer's Curry. That was the first time EVER that I'd eaten anything so darn spicy! I feel weird just thinking about it. I thought, well, I've got to be able to at least nibble on the local spicy food, or else I don't know how I could ever call myself acclimated to life here in New Parm. I thought, if I at nothing but spicy food, morning, noon, and night, I should get used to it soon, eh?

: I uh, I slipped coming down the stairs and when I fell I knocked down three of our guests.

: Ha ha! I think it's great you have so much energy. You work very hard, too. I wouldn't worry if I were you.

: I feel more confident when I hear you say that, Feena. Thanks. But, that's not the only problem. You see, when I fell, I was holding 10 piping hot pizzas, and the pizzas got flung right in everyone's faces.

: I dunno... I try to do my best, so why do I keep hurting everyone around me, huh?
What happened to all the goddamn pizzas?

: Biggest mystery? Huh? What in the...?

: Heh heh heh. That's right! I'm here to keep a close eye on that creature called Pakon. I'll bet there's a lot of mystery hiding behind that "uh-yup" of his. Ha ha. This is going to be fun! ♪
I'm sure it will be. But first....

: Hey, Justin, is all of New Parm's food this spicy?

: I don't know. It's too spicy for me. I never had food this spicy before.

: Hey, Feena. Do you always east such spicy food?

: Spicy? I wonder? I like it even spicier.

: Whoa! What are you doing, Feena?! Aahh! So much hot pepper. Look, the soup is bright red now!

: Come on, now. This is just as hot as I like it. Neither of you like spicy food?

: Fee... Feena, how can you eat such spicy food?

: Well, I like it this spicy. But since you two can't eat it, I guess I better tone it down.

: Hmm... if we're going to be traveling together, I'm going to have to change things to suit you guys.

: I must say, ol' Feena's got me beat when it comes to spicy food. That red soup of hers looked unreal.
As usual, you get different lines depending on when you quit the conversation. Quitting as soon as you start the meal...

: Let's get to sleep soon after we eat. Gotta rest for tomorrow's adventure.
Quitting after having talked to Sue once...

: I know it's not supposed to be fancy, but New Parm's food doesn't agree with me too well.
And talking to Feena after that sets it to the line about the unreal soup.
Join us next time when we take care of the rest of the town!